How To Remove Skin Discolorations On The Hand And Feet

How To Remove Skin Discolorations On The Hand And Feet

Sun exposure often gives rise to a variety of skin problems, one is striped skin problems that often arise in the hands and feet. What if you was one of the people who run activity outdoors.

Hence, how to address the problem of skin discolorations on the hands and feet?

See more information below.

How to fix Skin Discolorations On the hands and feet With natural ingredients.

1. Turmeric powder.

Natural materials such as turmeric powder turn out to have good benefits in helping remove skin discolorations on the hands and feet naturally.

To use, simply by taking the turmeric powder to taste, then add the water with a few drops of lemon. Apply on the hands or feet. Let sit a while and rinse.

2. Yogurt.

Do the treatment to get rid of skin discolorations on the hands and feet with the use of natural yogurt. How, simply by wiping the yogurt on the part that looks striped.

Let sit for 20 minutes, and rinse using water to clean.

3. Lemon.

The high content of vitamin C in lemon is useful to help eliminate skin problems, either the hands or the feet. Prepare one lemon, then cut it into two parts.

After that apply on the part of the hand or foot skin that looks striped. Wait up to 10 minutes. Next rinse.

4. Tomato.

You can use tomatoes as one of the natural ingredients to tackle problem skin discolorations on the hands and feet.

How to make tomato juice, then apply it on the skin of the hands and feet. Allow to dry for 15 minutes, then rinse until clean.

5. Potatoes.

As for how to get rid of skin discolorations on the hands and feet is with the help of natural potatoes. Prepare 3 pieces of potatoes, then grate until smooth.

Use grated potatoes as a body scrub. Wait for 20 minutes to allow the content therein percolating, and afterward rinse using clean water.

That's the last few ways to remove skin discolorations on the hands and feet naturally.

Do it this way on a regular basis to obtain maximum results.

I hope this information benefits for you.

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